Sunday, June 28, 2015

Conservation Participation by Type of Bird Hunter

Ultimate Upland News recently published an analysis which showed the percentage of participation and membership in a given conservation group based on the type of bird hunted.  Here are their findings:

Some points of interest based on this analysis:

  • Good for duck hunters!  Nearly half are involved in some type of membership, however...
  • is not clear how multiple memberships are treated.  For example, I am a member of Ducks Unlimited, Delta Waterfowl, and the Wisconsin Waterfowl Association.  Given how I think these were tallied, I would count for 3 guys
  • Upland hunters have a ways to go.  The fact that Pheasants Forever only has 125,000 members with nearly 1.5 million people hunting pheasants in the US is a flat shame.  
Between changes in agricultural practices, government programs, public land usage, and other impacts, the environment for game birds in the US is shrinking.  Sometimes the only things standing in the way of additional reductions of habitat are these conservation organizations.  If you hunt birds, it is incumbent on you to support one or more of these groups.

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