Sunday, January 4, 2015

Music City Bowl Recap

Last week Mrs. YDP and I attended the Music City Bowl to watch our beloved Notre Dame play against LSU in Nashville.  To say we had a good time would have been an understatement.  We had an outstanding time, especially with our LSU-loving cousins who came up for the game.  Here are the photos to prove it:

Upon making it across the Mason-Dixon, a first stop was a far too infrequent breakfast at Waffle House
A first-day walk around downtown Nashville revealed a very Tolkien-esque ATT headquarters.  As an ATT customer, it seemed eerily appropriate

While ND fans appeared outnumbered around town, we held tough.  Surprising, "Tiger-baiting" was fairly infrequent.

Perhaps the last cigarette machine in America

In the bar with some "friends"

My cousin, looking good sporting a new hat

Enjoying the pre-game festivities

We had REALLY nice seats

 I'm wearing the Cam McDaniel #33 jersey in the crowd above.  Again, REALLY nice seats

 Despite being in the "South," it was damned cold.  Some halftime hot chocolate helped keep us warm
A victorious smile

When Mrs. YDP got cancer, I referenced Notre Dame a couple of times on her CaringBridge site.  We both love the team and the fact that it is (according to Lou Holtz) "the University of the Mother of God," thus the themes helped me focus on the fight that we had, and our push "onward to victory."  Thus, when she beat her cancer, and Notre Dame would play in a bowl fairly close to us, it seemed obvious to me that we'd go.  The fact that they'd play LSU and we could see family at the same time was a wonderful, wonderful bonus.

When Kyle Brindza kicked the game winner at the end, I grabbed Mrs. YDP in a massive bear hug and held her aloft for a long time.  We then walked up the steps of the stadium, and paused for the alma mater.  While neither of us are ND graduates, we still put our arms around each other and swayed to the beautiful song.  

Onward to victory, indeed.

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