Sunday, March 24, 2013

Obama as Satan on History Channel's The Bible

I know it is not without its critics, but I'm thoroughly enjoying The History Channel's The Bible.  The Old Testament stories they chose to cover were interesting, as were the stories they chose to ignore.  Likewise, now that we're into the New Testament, it has kind of gone up to a new level for me.  I loved the scene of Christ being a bit of a smart aleck with Simon Peter, and the scene of the Lord's baptism with John the Baptist was completely well done.

While I was aware of the hue and cry about Satan looking like Obama in the scene in the desert, I was still struck by look itself when the devil popped up.  He doesn't look a little like Obama, he looks A LOT like Obama.

Coincidence, as the producers claim?  Um, nah.  The make-up, shooting, editing, and review process is far too stringent that NOBODY called this out.  This was a political poke, and a good one at that.

Cheap shot?  Maybe.  But my prediction is that their massive viewership will only go up due to the stunt.  First, it will attract those non-viewer to which the poke resonates, second it will attract some of the President's defenders seeking new material to which they can be offended.  Either way, viewership goes up.

We'll see tonight.

1 comment:

  1. Hey,It's a throwing and costuming—indiscretion that has general society pummeling The Bible makers Mark Burnett and Roma Downey (both white) with charges of bigotry. The discussion that as per this wedded Hollywood few is "absolute drivel." Burnett says, "Mehdi Ouzaani is an exceedingly acclaimed Moroccan performer. He has a while ago played parts in a few bible founded sagas including Satanic characters much sooner than Barack Obama was chosen as our President.Best of luck!!!


Please feel free to include any thoughts you may have. Know, however, that kiddos might be reading this, so please keep the adult language to yourself. I know, for me to ask that language is clean is a stretch...
